Thu. Feb 6th, 2025


New Alliance Worldwide Ambassadors is an Extension, a branch of New Alliance Ministries, Inc. (NAM), a 501(C)3 non-for-profit Organization with ministries worldwide.

The offices of New Alliance Worldwide Ambassadors are located together with the Mother Organization in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County in the Sunshine State of Florida, USA.

We exist to train and equip individuals to become ordained Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus-Christ to represent the kingdom of God as Worldwide Ambassadors.

Training hundreds to teach Thousands who will reach millions.

We preach, teach and promote: Love, Peace, Unity in the world in direct relation to the knowledge of Biblical End times events and the kingdom to come.

United with Christian Churches, Organizations, Government officials, Businesses and individuals to help promote a better society, NAWA will:

1- Give training to anyone throughout the world who is willing to learn for himself or to teach others after their certification and ordination.
2- Help Ex-offenders and newly released inmates to become world Christian Ambassadors and Leaders, preaching the Gospel of the grace of God to reach the loss and teaching the Gospel of the glory of Christ to the Church in preparation to the kingdom to come.(Mark 1:14-15)
3- Provide a Rehabilitation Training Center for new released prisoners with residence up to a year, vocational training, theological seminary with annual graduation, church services, community services, library for legal researches, GED, farming, factory and more.
4- Help Ambassadors to have their own Training Centers all over the world creating many more Ambassadors. This movement will fulfill Matthew 24:14 “This good news of the kingdom will be preach in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
5- Teach about the end times and the kingdom to come while encouraging and promoting a life of peace, love and unity to save families, communities, organizations and countries from everything that divide people in the world.

Our worldwide campaign is to encourage and promote peace in the whole world while learning about the events of man’s last days on earth, the Millennium and the Eternal kingdom to come.

When an individual orders our package, study the books, watch the videos, take a 100 questions test and pass with at least a 70% score, he will be a Certified Ambassador. In 2 Corinthians 5:11-20, Paul defines an Ambassador as a believer in Christ who is living a new life and is willing to testify of the grace he receives to reconcile others to God.

Once you pass the NAWA test and are ordained, you will be licensed to have your own Training Center. The package received will equip you to fully operate in your new ministry. You will be authorized under NAM to preside over funerals, officiate weddings, baptize new believers, do baby presentations, represent overseas promoting NAWA values.

When our Office receives a minimum of $199.00 tax-exempt donation or more for our special package to become an Ordained Ambassador, we will expedite the First package to you in about 10 to 15 days. You can save $49 by donating a $150 tax-free support to NAWA instead to complete the program online at where you can download the package to study at home and at your own pace. There will NOT be any additional fees towards this program unless you voluntarily choose to generously make tax-exempt donations of any amount for the furtherance and extension of this worldwide ministry.

1- Welcome letter from the President and pamphlet
2- NAWA’s training Book
3- NAWA’s Biblical training List of resources 

You will receive one book that contains everything you need to know for your ordination and license as an Ambassador of the Kingdom (Minister).  There will be Four different  100 questions test that come with your book and that you must pass with a score no lower than 70%. On the inside cover of the test booklet can be found a 31-day schedule developed by our team to help you complete the training IN  A MONTH or even sooner than expected. Only select the proper answer, bubbling the correct answers and return it to our office for grading. You will be required to take another test if your score falls below the 70% threshold.

If you decide to take the test online, be aware that it will be graded automatically. Enter “Nawa student” as username and use your Ambassador’s identification number as your password. The results will be displayed at the end of the test with your score. The system will notify our office to automatically issue your credentials to send with your second package. If you fail, the system will ask you to take a new test anytime you are ready. This process will happen 3 times only. After trying unsuccessfully for all 3 times, you will have to go back and study before you can take the last test again in 30 days.

Upon passage of your simple 100 questions test, you will receive by mail our second package as promised in 10-15 days at ABSOLUTELY NO ADDITIONAL COST OR REQUIREMENTS.

1-Your Certificate of Completion as an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God. 

2- Your certificate of Ordination as an Ambassador of the kingdom of God.

3- You will receive a one year license that you will renew annually for $10
4- NAWA’s Operating Manual for your TC. (Training Center)
5- NAWA’s Ambassador’s guide (for special ceremonies)
6- Authentication letter and CLUB PERMIT’s I’d number to open your TC.
7- Online access to free materials and updates from NAWA, NAM, NATS



  1. One training manual will be mailed to those who pay and initial $199 or downloaded for those who pay $150 online to sign up to become AMBASSADORS (Ordained and licensed Ministers). They must pass one of our 4 different 100 question tests in the manual or online.

    2- We have a great responsibility to the 7.4 billion people on earth  with some 2 billion Christians to at least give them a warning with the proper knowledge of what to expect of this END TIMES to come. We want to be able to let it be known everywhere in the world that Jesus is coming back very soon. We set a 10 years mark to accomplish this great task.

    3. Upon completion of the 52 lessons of that 1 book that can be completed at their own pace by correspondence or online, the individual will receive a folder with the following items:
    a. A certificate of completion of the Ministry Leadership Program
    b. A certificate of Ordination as a Minister/Ambassador
    c. A letter of Authentication for international travel and activities
    d. A certificate of Minister’s License
    e. A Minister’s identification card with or without photo
    f. A NAWA’s DVD guide to operate his/her own ministry – making disciples for the expansion of NAWA.
    g. A Minister’s guide to officiate sacred ceremonies: Wedding, funerals, child presentations, baptisms, etc…
    h. Their $199 investment will be reimbursed in one simple ceremony officiated.

    4. The Minister’s License is renewable annually for $10 or $40 for 5 years. You can obtain a new copy for free if your original one is lost. But, we advise you to make copies of your legal papers.

    5. Ministerial licenses alone can also pay the loan as NAPOR.

    6. Printing Center, Technology Center, Social Media Department, TV and Radio, Newspapers, upgraded websites, ordered materials for printing operations, furniture will cost $1 million

    7. The main products: Books @ 500k, portfolios @ 500k, printers @ 50k, 1 network server @ $10k, 30 computers @ $30k, 50 phones @ $5k, furniture @ 100k for a total about of $1.5 million. Therefore, your help is needed to accomplish this great task.

    8. Payouts to Facilitators, Recruiters, Conference Speakers, groups and churches discount, annual taxes and CPA fees, lawyer, insurance, transportation and travel $1 million.

    9. Employment expenses to start include: 20 receptionists, 2 staff managers, 1 CEO, 1 business manager, 1 secretary, 2 tech directors, 2 printing officers, 1 editor, 1 transporter/server, 1 CPA, 2 mailroom operators, 1 maintenance, 2 cleaners and 3 Supervisors/Board members will be salaried at $1 million during the two years of grace. They will be compensated more as we grow stronger.

    10. Bills and company savings for repairs and emergency $500k.