Name |
Spouse Name) |
Institution’s name |
Street Address |
City |
E-mail Address |
Telephone |
Fax |
Personal Information
US citizen |
__ |
No. of children |
__ |
Health Insurance? |
US resident |
__ |
Have a degree? |
__ |
Family lawyer? |
Authorization |
__ |
Family home |
__ |
Family Member |
Educational information
Leader? |
__ |
Diplomas? |
__ |
Years of school? |
HS? |
__ |
Trade? |
__ |
Biblical Knowledge level (1-10) |
Degree? |
__ |
Project? |
__ |
Vocational Study________? |
PLEASE NOTE: You must send copies of certificates and any information that can help with the approval of your application. Your release must be in 6 months. |
Please check what would like to do, to become by learning from NAPOR
Be a leader |
__ |
Need assistance |
__ |
Computer, email, training? |
Get a job |
__ |
Finish probation |
__ |
Become a Minister? |
__ |
Degree Theology |
__ |
Rehabilitation? |
__ |
Travel the world |
__ |
Find families |
__ |
Learn a trade? |
__ |
Work with NAPOR |
$100 Membership fee - Authorization and Release
I ______________________ title __________of ____________________ by singing the from I agree to abide by the rules, by laws and beliefs of Mission NEW ALLIANCE MINISTRIES INC. I Wave all rights to act against the organization, its branches or its leaders.
Signature :_______________ Date:___/__/20__