Thu. Feb 6th, 2025





The Christian Movement for disaster relief and Development exists to develop the community,  to work together with the United States Government and local Authorities to ensure that Haitians and other ethnic groups get into the stream of the American Society.



 We will work together to develop the community by creating by the next decade (ten (10) years) the followings :

 A Haitian medical center to serve anyone in the State of Florida.

  • Three (3) distribution centers to feed the needy in the community and to donate materials of all kind to all our members. The more we receive, the more we shall give. They will be located in Miami, in Broward and in Palm Beach. We shall have one of the places over the next 12 months.
  • A Technical, Vocational and Biblical school to serve the community.
  • Three (3 ) Nursing Homes for all disable Haitians by the year 2006.
  • Two (2) Shelter for Refugees and homeless people in the State in the next 4 years.
  • Twelve (12) communities for low income families and refugees over the next 10 years. The communities shall be located in different cities according to the local authorities donations.
  • We will work with the government to help with the building of 100 Haitian churches all over Florida and the repair of 150 churches or buildings to be transformed into churches.
  • We will create as many jobs we can to support people in our churches and our community and attract them to Christ.
  • We will work with the county jails and juvenile justice to ameliore lives.
  • Everything created here in the USA will be created also in Haiti to support Haitians back home and help with the freedom and development process.

Bylaws of Christian Movement for Disaster Relief and Development

of Palm Beach County Inc.



Preamble to the Constitution and Bylaws


On February 15th, 2003, a group of Pastors (Community Leaders) met together to form a Non-Profit organization called << CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT FOR DISASTER RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY INC. >>This Organization will work with the United States Government and the local authorities to work together to improve social, economical, intellectual and spiritual life our our communities and the people around the world where our hands can reach.


In accordance with the Fundamental constitution of the USA admitting that everyone has the right and freedom to form groups, associations and others in the mutual respect of the individual rights of the human being and for the advancement and the progress of all nations.


In accordance with the natural principles acknowledging that man are ruled by law either divine or human.


Considering that man created in the image and likeness of God must live a normal and agreable life on earth.


Considering that an organization like ours should be governed by law and set rules to anybody who wants to become a member in accordance with the principles set by the Executive committee of the organization.


Considering that it is an administrative task and responsibility, we the leaders, declare :


Chapter IName


  1. The name of the Organization shall call : Christian Movement for Freedom and             Development of Palm Beach County, Inc.
  2. Because of the purpose of our existence, our mission and vision, this corporate name registered in the States of Florida, USA and in the Internal Revenue Services is final.


Chapter II Social Siege


  1. The social siege or Headquater of the Organization is in Boynton Beach Florida. It can be moved if necesary to another city but will remain in Florida.
  2. The Organization can establish extension offices in different states of the country and in any other country where it is conducting social operations.


Chapter IIIBoundaries


  1. The Christian Movement for Freedom and Development of Palm Beach County Inc will cover from North Carolina all way down to South Florida.
  2. To the limit of the financial strenght of the CMFD and by the grace of God, the Organization shall cover all the countries of the American caribean.
  3. To the poorest places where our help will be needed, the Organization shall send its contribution to help with the building for a better social life worldwide.


Chapter IVPurpose


  1. The Christian Movement for Freedom and Development of Palm Beach County exists :


  1. To develop the community of Palm Beach and surrounding areas and counties.
  2. To work together with the United States Government and local authorities to ensure that Haitians and other ethnic groups get into the stream of the American Society.
  3. To help the needy to have a better life by feeding, educating, supporting and creating ways for everyone to reach their full potential.
  4. To participate in the creation of a new environment where people can freely live a civilized life with respect and dignity. Therefore, less problems for our local Law Enforcement Agencies and Authorities.
  5. To unite with Law Enforcement Agencies to fight crimes, help locating criminals, identify those released from jails and prisons and make sure that they will live a new way of life by enphasizing education and couseling as tools.
  6. To create in different areas distribution centers of foods, clothes, toys, furnitures sportive tools and other materials to low income families, churches, organizations or individuals with special needs.
  7. To promote education in all its phases : Technical classes for all age groups – Literacy classes – GED classes – English Classes to refugees and foreigners -Vocational classes – Biblical classes – Nursing classes – Citizenship classes – Driving training – HIV/AIDS/CPR classes and seminaries, etc…
  8. To equip churches and church leaders to perform better in the community by finding them funds to buy buildings or to build churches and leave the shopping centers and warehouses for regular businesses. Leaders will be encouraged to seek college degrees or higher education to ensure proper teaching throughout the churches and communities so people might be much more well-educated to meet life challenges.
  9. To direct the youth of America in the poorest communities to seek higher education and develop the community around them for better responses.
  10. To work with families all over the State to break down the average of : Divorce – Domestic Violence – Child Abuse – Drug Abuse – Suicide – Crime – Homeless situation – Arrestations – etc..
  11. To stand for the abused groups and Organizations and help with the justice process that America believes in.
  12. To find or to create jobs for those that are looking for a way of living. CMFD will work with the Job Agencies and companies to help those in needs.


  1. CMFD will strive to do as much in the countries of its boundaries as it does in the United States of America.


Chapter VAdministration


  1. Christian Movement for Freedom and Development of Palm Beach County, Inc will abide under the law of the States of Florida and the United States of America.
  2. CMFD will be work with the authorities of any country where social activities are conducted to help the needy.
  3. CMDF is administered by an Executive committee of 12 members doubled by a sub-committee of seven members for its operations.


  1. a) The Executive Committee shall be composed of:
    1. An Executive President
    2. An Executive Vice-President of Internal affairs
    3. An Executive Vice-President for International affairs
    4. An Executive Secretary
    5. An Assistant to the Secretary
    6. A Treasurer
    7. An Assistant to the Treasurer
    8. A lawyer as head Advisor
    9. 4 members at large.


  1. b) The sub-Committee of seven shall be composed of :


  1. A General Manager
  2. An Assistant-Manager
  3. A Secretary
  4. A Treasurer
  5. 3 members at large



  1. The Executive President is the CEO of CMFD. All final decision come through him. His job description can be defined as follow :
  1. He will call all the meetings of the Organization and its committees.
  2. He will be the leader or chairman of all the meetings unless he authorises someone else to take his place.
  • He will represent the Organization before the Government and Government Agencies or local Authorities.
  1. He can delegate his power to another member of the board only.
  2. He is a member Ex-officio of all the committees of the Organization.
  3. His signature must be on all legal documents and banking accounts of the Organization.
  • He has no right to vote if not necessary.
  • Because of his responsibility, he has the full right nominate his own secretary and present him to the board for a vote of ratification.


  1. The Vice-President is to support the work of the President should he be absent. He

           makes decisions together with the President to ensure uniformity. His job descrip-                                              

           tion is as follow :


  1. He will sign the legal documents with the President.
  2. He will control and ensure progress of the Movement.
  3. He will establish contact and sponsors for the Movement.
  4. He will help identify the needs of freedom and development all around the boundaries of the Organization.
  5. He will be present to every called meeting unless his absence is motivated.
  6. He will take care of any other duty assigned to him by the CEO.


    1. The Executive Secretary is the right arm of the President.


  1. He takes notes of all meetings and participate to all so called meetings. He takes care of all correspondances.
  2. He coordonates all administrative meetings per order of the President.
  • He will work together with the Assistant-Secretary to file all legal documents of the Organization.
  1. He will take care of any other duty assigned to him by the board.
  2. He has the right to vote.


    1. The Assistant-Secretary  will work together with the Executive Secretary.
  1. He shall be part of all so called meetings of the Organization.
  2. He will replace the secretary in case of absence or upon recommandation of the President or the board.
  • He will care for the archives of the Organization.
  1. He will take care of all other duties assigned by the president or the Board.
  2. He has the right to vote.


    1. The Treasurer is responsible for the finance of the Organization. He receives his orders from the CEO or the Board in general. His job description is as follow :
  1. He keeps the tresors of the CMFD.
  2. He receives and disburses funds.
  3. He prepares a monthly report of money received and spent.
  4. He gives a report annually to the General Assembly of Pastors and Leaders.
  5. He holds the financial books of the CMDF.
  6. He is one of the persons authorized to sign checks and some other documents.
  7. He must participate at all executive meetings of the Organization.
  8. He has the right to vote.


    1. The Assistant Treasurer is the right hand of the Executive Treasurer. His

Job is as follow :


  1. Replace the Treasurer in case of absence or emergency.
  2. Be at all meetings of the committee
  • Be part of the record of the finance of CMFD.
  1. Has the right to vote
  2. Will do any other job assigned by the board.


    1. The other members at large are the regular advisors of the board. They are to :
  1. Participate at all so called meetings of the Executive committee.
  2. Give wise advices to the boad.
  • Help find volunteers to work and support CMFD works.
  1. Contribute to find donors and sponsors for the movement.
  2. Have the right to vote
  3. Perform other duties assigned by the CEO or the Board.



  1. The Sub-Committee will receive direct letter of job description from the board prior

         to start serving CMFD. Only the advisors will receive their orders from the Mana-

         ger and his Assistant.



Chapter VIQualification of the members


  1. The Executive President

To be eligible for Executive President of CMFD, you must :


  1. Have at least a Bachelor degree in Theology or Business Administration or any similar field.
  2. Must be at least 30 years old.
  3. Have at least 5 years of administration experience.
  4. Be a christian of good testimony.


  1. All other members must :


  1. Be a person of good testimony.
  2. Be at least 30 years old.
  3. Be able to perform his jobs satisfactorily.



Chapter VII – Organization and Direction


  • There will be annual conference for all members of the CMFD. This conference will be held on the first week of the month of August of each year.
  • Each member will be officially recognized by a certificate of recognition that will be placed in the Pastor’s office at the church or the organization office at a place where everyone can see it.
  • Each member will be identified by their ID card.
  • The majority of the members presented and registered for the conference will be considered as a quorum.
  • The Executive President will preside all the sessions of the conference, a representative of the Donors, a representative of the local government and a representative of the Federal Government, the Executive Secretary or any other guest speakers chosen by the committee.
  • There shall be a commission of 3 members in charge of each conference.
  • There shall be a commission formed for nomination of the eventual candidates.


Chapter VIII – Elections


Grand Elections


  1. All candidates will be presented by the commission of nominations to the general assembly at the annual conference for elections.
  2. Other floor nominations can be made before the elections.
  3. Candidates for managers are elected for 3 years and all other members will be served for a year.
  4. The General Assembly can reelect a candidate after 2 terms of service only. The candidate will wait for another full term before he can reapply for the desired position.
  5. The manager needs 70% of the vote to be elected.
  6. All other members need to have more votes that the opposed party to be elected.
  7. Absolutely no discrimination of any candidate or member of the CMFD.



Becoming member


To be admited as a member of the CMFD you must :


  1. Be the head leader of your church or Organization.
  2. Be a person of good reputation in the community.
  3. Have EIN number, coorporation paper and tax Identification, local tax and 501C (3 for your church or organization.
  4. Pay an initial $200 every year to CMFD.
  5. Be in the circle limit of its boundaries.

Chapter IX

Finances and Donations to qualified members or individuals


  1. All members of CMFD are eligible to receive donations from CMFD. All donations are given in the manner in which they have been donated. Member of the CMFD shall use all given donations exactly for the reasons they were given.
  2. The associate member of CMFD shall receive a part of any donation and present a report of the donations received before it can receive the other parts.
  3. There will be a 10% of each donation for each member kept by CMFD to be used for administrative reasons only. Unqualified members may also benefit from any received donations according to their needs.
  4. All donations shall be used solely and entirely for the purpose the finances were given. Member that cannot follow the normal procedures will be excluded and their funding will be seized by the board.
  5. CMFD will pay its employee every 15 days.
  6. As a non-profit organization, CMFD will receive donations from generous institutions willing to help advancing its cause and meet its goals. All donations will be used for the reasons they were given for. CMFD will have an administrative share of all donations received on behalf of its members.
  7. President shall prepare a budget for each year that he will present to the executive committee in the month of November for review and approval of the board.
  8. Besides funding and support from private organizations and government agencies, CMFD will fully depend on its local members to find the appropriate help and financial support for the operation of the movement.
  9. All funds shall be disbursed by check so receipt can be recorded automatically.
  10. All tax exempt donations should be filed and copy must be kept for future donations or for any government disputes.
  11. In case of the closure of any institution affiliated with the movement, all donations or properties given by CMFD will one more time become CMFD properties.
  12. No member of CMFD has a specific debt to it. All members are free to operate and to seek for our help as long they faithfully pay the $200 yearly membership.




Chapter X

Building churches, Schools and other places.


  1. CMFD will work will all denominations or foundations that will help its members to achieve their dreams by building their churches and opening doors to better education for the community. CMFD will assist with all the process to insure that the building is done and occupied by the member.
  2. CMFD will also support churches or organization that already own a building and would like to do some repairs in it to better serve its public. CMFD will make sure that the job is done the right way and finish on time to serve the community.
  • The Distribution centers shall located in public areas to facilitate the distribution of foods and other materials to all members. Only the members of CMFD are eligible to receive donations from our distribution centers. It is to note that individual without an organization can only be part of the CMFD in one of our distribution centers list just to receive foods and other materials we may have. Anyone is qualified despite its origine, race, color, gender, belief or creed.
  1. Our Homeless shelter is to help those who are immigrants and do not have a place to stay. CMFD will assist the candidates to identify a school to continue or to receive an education, to know the community and where support can be provided. CMFD will not be responsible for lost, sickness or any other physical damage while using the property. Anyone is qualified despites its origine, race, color, gender, belief or creed.
  2. There will not be any smoking in all the properties, offices, business meetings or other ceremonies held by CMFD.
  3. There will not be any sign of descrimination in any place owned and operated by the CMFD. CMFD will not be responsible for any law suit conducted because of a discriminatory action by any of its employees. The individual committed the action will be responsible not CMFD.
  • CMFD will build schools for its members according to their needs in the areas or countries in the American continent where the need is crucial. Schools can also be upgraded according to the need of the community.
  • Feeding the poor is a priority for CMFD. The candidates with the needs shall present their requests to CMFD which will search for the help needed and make sure that the food is delivered to the hungry. The feeding will take place at public areas such as : Churches, schools, community centers and others…
  1. CMFD will answer the call to the poor as long as there is fund available for that cause. As much as God provides to CMFD, CMFD will also provide to the poor.
  2. Those with mental problem and those released from jails or prisons will freely benefit our support and help as the local government provides the support CMFD will need to fulfil these type of services.


Chapter XI

General rules and regulations


    1. All members of the CMFD shall be present to each called meeting. Only motivated absence will be excused.
    2. No member is authorized to do any trafic or participate to any ambitious activities that will jeorpadize the name and reputation of CMFD.
    3. All meetings and special convocations are made only for the members of CMFD. Any member who wants to invite other friends or relatives shall consult first with the board for approval.
    4. A leader dividing another church or organization to its own interest will be excluded immediately from the membership list of the movement. All rights and privileges will also be removed and cut from him.
    5.  CMFD will help any institution to accomplish its goal by helping them to be legal first in the State and in the country before it can apply for any help.
    6. A member must show its membership card before he can be admitted to our meeting room.
    7. The articles of this bylaw are subject to amendments only under the unanimous decision of the Executive committee of CMFD. Amendements should be made only to facilitate the work of this company to its advantage or to better serve its members. No one should make changes to these rules and regulations of the movement once voted and accepted.
    8. The logo of CMFD should not be changed also. It should be used in all official correspondance. Here is a brief description of the logo :


Cross =  Honoring Jesus-Christ who died in order for all men to be free.


Bible = Doing everything under the law of God.


Two hands = Uniting everyone for one common goal.


Angel = Trusting God to provide and to protect.


Circle = Supporting everyone everywhere.