Thu. Feb 6th, 2025


The Head church in Boynton Beach, Florida and the second in Naples, Florida.

Dr. Jonas Dimanche is the Head Pastor of the Church in Boynton Beach with a group of other christian leaders operating under the guidance of the President.

The church in Naples is led by Rev. Lemane Petit-Bien, a man of God who has been by Dr. Jacques side for years in Ministry. Both churches are doing well in the fight against the devil in this world.

Please join us every Sunday as we keep the same schedule.

9AM – Sunday School

10 AM- Grand Service

All services are done at 12AM.

Prayer services are on Tuesdays 8-9PM

Bible Studies are on Sundays 8-9PM

PRAYER LINE is every night 10-11PM with Min. Marie M. Severe. To join us call 727-731-7404 anywhere in the world and you will be logged into the conference call. You can also join us on Facebook.