Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Here is our list of official Facilitators for different places where NATS has an office. Feel free to join the team and represent us at your state or church by contacting our office today at 561-577-1998 or Join us today to advance God's kingdom.

P.O BOX 3422 – BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33424 561-577-1998 – 561-752-6886

Learn it – Preach it – Teach it (2 Timothy 4:2)


Potential Facilitator’s Name: _________________________________________ Soc. Sec______________

Date of Birth: ____________________ Address: ____________________________ Zip: ____________

Phone number: _______________ Cell: _________________ Email: ______________________Highest Degree received______________

  1. This agreement commences the date signed by New Alliance Theological Seminary (NATS) and expires December 31 of the current or coming school year.
  1. This agreement shall be open for amendment and renewal as per affiliation renewal.
  1. This agreement may be renewed indefinitely.
  1. Any amendment and/or renewal must be by mutual consent.
  1. Renewal should be completed between October 1st and December 1st each year, or as otherwise permitted.
  1. The Facilitator will abide by the General; Financial; and Operational Policies and Procedures as set by NATS except as indicated and specifically approved in writing by both the President of NATS and the Facilitator.
  1. The Facilitator will operate using the “Standard” reporting forms as designated and approved through NATS. (Any deviation requires authorization from the NATS President, prior to Facilitator’s use).


  1. The Facilitator will comply and abide in academic standards established and set forth by NATS.
  1. Upon the registration of a student, the Facilitator will submit to NATS a “Standard File”, with the following information for each student. Additional information may be submitted as applicable:
  1. Completed “Student Application”
  2. Copy of Degrees or Diplomas earned.
  3. Copy of Ordination Certificate, if applicable.
  4. A documented listing of seminars and/or workshops attended; thesis papers, dissertations, books written and/or published, or projects completed for academic studies or ministry.
  5. Official Transcripts from all institutions previously attended.
  1. The Facilitator will monthly complete in detail and submit a “MONTHLY REPORT” to the office of NATS by the 10th Day, of the following month. Reports must be submitted regardless if funds are collected or not. ALL FUNDS must be submitted to NATS and the President will send the Facilitator their portion. (
  1. The Facilitator will send “Student Credit Transmittal Form” with each graded course. Student should be given back all graded paperwork. One completed copy of graded paper work for a single course per degree is to be sent to the Academic Dean.
  1. NATS is to be notified in writing by the Facilitator within 15 days if, or when a student is dropped, or placed into an “inactive” status. It is required that NATS be consulted prior to any such changes.
  1. Upon completion of their requirements, a student’s complete academic file will be forwarded by the Facilitator to NATS to include, but not limited to, all items defined in II:2 and:
  1. The Student Profile and Unofficial Transcript form summarizing all course work including dates of completion and grades earned also finances paid.
  2. Alumni application form.
  3. Where appropriate, completed Practicum signed by the student and supervisor.


The Facilitator and NATS will give “royalty” free use of their respective materials to the other in support of their various educational programs in their own ministries.

This will cover all materials developed and/or acquired, for the stated purposes, during the life of this agreement.

This includes use for, and by, other Facilitator’s who are providing academic studies as affiliates of NATS.

Upon the possibility of dissolution of said relationship, NATS and the Facilitator shall retain permanent use of all materials already in their possession. The materials will be used in their ministries for church member education and not for financial profits.

Any promotional material developed for NATS, shall become the property of NATS; whereby NATS may develop the material further at the discretion of NATS, through means of NATS’s choosing.

A Facilitator with and For NATS must agree to waive his rights or involvement in all legal actions of any form and at any time against NATS.

A Facilitator agrees to explain to their students that the degrees earned at NATS of an ecclesiastical nature and cannot be used for teaching purposes with the USA government or seek licensing with any governmental board. Transfer of all credits earned at NATS are at the discretion of the receiving institution.



  1. Facilitator Fees: There is an annual fee of $50.00 to be a Facilitator; however, each Facilitator will be required to have their own 60-Courses Foundational Curriculum Package, consisting of maybe, videos, audio courses, but surely of textbook courses and General Study courses. (Facilitators only pay for his or her own materials to display to his or her students)
  1. NATS will provide the Facilitator  current  course materials, supported by a 100 question or less test booklet per course. The charge for the textbook material is whatever it is when the student orders it.  
  1. In order for a new Facilitator to receive the full Curriculum Package of all our courses, a payment of $500.00 is required and $50 registration fee as a Facilitator for the first year. The package will also include more than 90 other courses of English, Spanish and French. All the courses for the Associate Degrees are from Global University, our affiliate since 2011.
  1. Student Financial Aid: Currently NATS does not offer or provide for Student Aid in the program of grants or loans. NATS does upon written authorization provide for “scholarship” moneys whereby both the Facilitator and NATS financially subsidize the Student’s tuition.   
  1. Facilitator must agree that he or she will receive 50% of each course tuition paid by the student. Full payment must be sent to NATS P.O Box 3422 Boynton Beach FL 33424. NATS will cut a check and send payment to the Facilitator unless agreed otherwise and approved by the President or the Academic Dean.



  1. NATS will not receive any part of payment from a Facilitator. NATS reserve the right to renew a Facilitator’s license and certificate or to revoke it immediately with no question asked. A Facilitator can never print certificate or Diploma to a Student registered with NATS.


  1. Facilitator agrees to advise student that the $100 Registration or Application fee is non-refundable and must be sent entirely to NATS and NATS will send back 50% of anything received to the facilitator.
  2. Facilitator must tell student that they will have to complete at least 10 courses for any chosen degree. All tests will be sent via email unless the student is able to pick a questionnaire book from Facilitator or take the whole class online.


NATS recognizes and considers each Facilitator as a ministry partner in sharing the GOOD NEWS, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  NATS offers the following compensation benefits for providing academic services and discipling students:

EXAMPLE:    A student enrolls with NATS through a Facilitator, upon evaluation and acceptance, the student’s “Curriculum & Finance Plan” for a BA, MA or DR degree will be as follow:


Registration Fee:                     $ 100.00              $50.00                     $ 50.00

10 Courses @ $100.00 ea.      $ 1,000.00            $ 500.00                 $ 500.00 (that’s an example since prices are different for each degree)

10 Books materials                  $ 10 payable to the facilitator for the hard copy

Graduation Fees                      ($150 for BA and MA and $200 for MA and DR)

                                                   Facilitator will have half of money for graduation.


NOTE:  All duplicating, advertising, operational expenses, labor, and other expenses to operate as a Facilitator as per NATS  guidelines, are the “full” responsibility of the Facilitator.

____________________________________                                      ____________________________________

Full name of Facilitator                                                                                      Dr. Dieugrand Jacques, THD, President

____________________________________                                      ____________________________________

Signature of the Facilitator                                                                                Witness to Contract
