Thu. Feb 6th, 2025




Dr. Dieugrand Jacques was raised in a Baptist conservative christian Family Home in Thomazeau, Haiti. He made his Elementary and High School education there. At the age of 14, he first sensed a calling from God into ministry. By the time he was 17, he was serving as a Supporter to a 67 years old Pastor at his parents church of 300 persons in Haiti. After his Baccalaureate, he was admitted to The University of the State of Haiti at The Normal Superior School. He was teaching languages to secondary students to make a living. 

Dr.Jacques traveled to Aruba a Netherland’s Island where he worked for 3 years helping Haitians refugees to know Papiamento, the dialect of the Island. In the intent to better serve the Haitians in Aruba, he founded  with another colleague who was a journalist, an Organization named ” Union Fraternelle des Haitiens en Aruba”. After a period of 6 months, he has transformed the group into the very first Haitian Church of the Island which is still in existence with over 500 members. His sister and Brother-in-law are in charge of it. 

Always writing in El Diario, the Arubian Newspaper, he wrote several complaints about reported abuses on illegal Haitians committed by police officers against illegal Haitians. To avoid trouble with the local Authorities, he left Aruba and had the privilege to travel several Islands and countries nearby to speak to Haitians because he was very well-known for his Ambassadorial leadership in the Island. He visited Curacao, St. John, Venezuela, St. Martin, and St. Thomas before he got to the USA in October 1994. Once in the country, his first target was MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, IL. He graduated after four years of Biblical and Theological studies.

Right after his graduation with Moody in 1998, he entered Jacksonville Theological Seminary where he earned another Bachelor in Theology, a Master degree in Christian Education and his Doctorate degree in a total of seven (7) years of studies. He was a computer teacher to Adults and Elementary students for over 8 years with the School District of Palm Beach County as a secular job.

Dr. Jacques married Yvrose, a Pastor’s daughter in Boynton Beach in December 1996 and now have 4 children. Alyssa, Alice, Alex and Alyson. He is the senior Pastor and Founder of the New Alliance Ministries and the New Alliance Theological Seminary with 3 other branches of ministry.

Yvrose is in charge of the Alliance Women. She is her husband’s best Counselor when it comes to working for the Lord overseas. She teaches the women in the church; she preaches and help with some counseling issues. She has taken theological classes with the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Colorado Springs. She has a Bachelor from Revelation Message Bible College and a Master degree with New Alliance Theological Seminary.

NAM includes a total of 63 ministries in separate countries. He plans to plant many more churches and build schools in Haiti and wherever the Lord sees fit. As the Lord will bless us, we will bless the man of God to do his work. Please pray for our Pastor and his ministry as he dreams to see THE NEW ALLIANCE MINISTRIES become one of the most productive and impactful mission churches in Haiti and aboard.