Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

Our vision

We strive to unite with organizations, agencies and individuals to partner with us as we take the Good News to people everywhere and to identify areas of needs where lives can be impacted and churches and schools can be developed.

We commit ourselves to preach all men by using the word of God as the sole and unique tool for their spiritual development and the transforming, renewing, and healing of the mind that need to be centered on God and his Kingdom. Colos. 3:1-3

Notre vision est d’être une Eglise de la Grande Commission qui travaille durement dans le domaine de l’Education des croyants visant à renouveler la pensée humaine quant à la vraie mission de l’Eglise de Jésus-Christ.


Dr. Jacques is dedicated and totally given into church planting. His vision for the ministry is not only to rebuild his stolen church property and building but to do even more in the world, mainly in Haiti.

1- He will place NAM headquarter in a definitive place to function with the Theological Seminary. (NATS).

2- He will build one church and school in each of the major cities of HAITI.

3- He will establish NAPOR to train inmates and provide a place for them to stay after their release while serving the public with those in need of some form Rehabilitation.

4- With NATS He will engage in preparing christian leaders, train and equip them for ministry. His motto is to train hundreds to teach thousands to reach millions.

5- With NAWA, He will ordain and license them to go and work with God for the Kingdom.

6- He will involved through CMDRD to working with institutions, organizations and individuals to bring meaningful relief to those in need worldwide.

7- While He give up on Pastoring churches, He remains the force behind every Pastor of his planted churches to give meaningful advices and directions, the true guidance for the ministry.